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A course backup includes all available course material as an archive in a format specific to ATutor. Backups are forwards compatible with future versions of ATutor but may not be backwards compatible with previous versions of ATutor. Once a backup is created, it can be downloaded for safe-keeping, imported into another ATutor installation, used as the basis for a newly created course, and available in the originating course's Backup Manager. Instructor can also create their own course backups from within a course.

Creating Backups

To create a backup, use the Create Backup link in the sub-navigation. The number of backups a single course can keep on the server is defined by the System Preferences Course Backups option.

Administrators can create backups for any course, while instructors can only create backups of courses they own.

Restoring Backups

Restoring a backup as an administrator is similar to restoring a backup as an instructor, with the added option of being able to select which course the backup should be restored into.

For details on restoring a backup into a course, see the Backup Manager's Restoring Backups section in the Instructor Documentation.

Managing Backups

Backups can be downloaded to the administrator's hard-drive for safe-keeping by using the Download button. Backups can also be edited or deleted.

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