Previous Chapter: Requirements & Recommendations
Next Chapter: Upgrading an Installation
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New Installation

Please review the requirements section before attempting to install ATutor. The latest version of ATutor can always be found on the downloads page.

Windows Considerations

To extract the ATutor .tar.gz archive you will need an application like WinZip or WinRar.

Unix Considerations

To extract the ATutor .tar.gz archive, use the command tar -zxvf ATutor-version_number.tar.gz, which will create a directory called ATutor in your current working directory.

Extracting the files on a Windows machine and then uploading them via FTP is not recommended, as it may not preserve the case-sensitive file names.

Installing on a Unix machine requires some knowledge of file and directory permissions. You will be required to create a content directory and set permissions for that directory and for the include/ file, so that the web server can write to them. The installation will not be successful if the permissions are not correctly set on that file and directory.

Changing Unix file permissions from the shell prompt: chmod a+rw filename or chmod a+rwx directoryname.

Changing Unix file permissions from an FTP client: Many FTP clients allow you to change a file's permissions. The option may be labled as "Unix Permissions", "CHMOD", or simply as "Properties" or "Attributes" and will display a window with Read, Write, and Execute checkboxes for Owner, Group, and World; checking the appropriate boxes will change that file's permissions. In our case we need the include/ to be Readable and Writeable by World, and the content directory to be Readable, Writeable, and Executable by World.

Installation Procedure

Extract the downloaded archive using the method specified for your system (either Windows or Unix). Open a web browser and enter the address to your new ATutor installation,, then follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Terms of Use
    The usage of ATutor is restricted by the GNU General Public License (GPL). Your agreement with the GPL is required if you wish to use ATutor. See the Licensing section for more details.
  2. Database
    Enter the required details needed to connect to your MySQL database. The optional Table Prefix (e.g. "AT_") allows ATutor to share an existing database with other applications and tables. The ATutor installation script will attempt to create the database specified, if it does not already exist. This requires that your MySQL user account has permission to create databases and permission to create tables. If this step fails, contact your system administrator to have your MySQL account upgraded to allow creation of new databases, or ask your administrator to create the database for you.
  3. Accounts & Preferences
    The Super Administrator account is used for managing your ATutor installation. The Super Administrator can also create additional Administrators each with their own privileges and roles once ATutor is installed. The personal account can be used to enroll in or create courses.
  4. Content Directory
    Create a content directory, preferably outside your web server's document directory for added security, and set permissions as described above. On a Unix machine you will need to manually change the permissions on the listed files and directories in this step. No action is usually required on a Windows server, though in some circumstances Windows users may need to adjust the properties of the specified files and directories to make them writable. Copy the path of the created directory into the text box provided. Ensure that there are no shortcuts or symbolic links in the path.
  5. Save configuration
    Before reaching the final step the include/ file needs to be writable, otherwise an error will appear. Follow the instructions on the screen if the file permissions need to be changed. If the file does not exist in the include/ directory, then you will need to create an empty text file with the filename
  6. Anonymous Usage Collection
    To assist the development team in serving the ATutor community, you can anonymously submit basic system information to the server.
  7. Done!
    ATutor installation has been successful and you may now log-in with your personal account or the administrator account created in Step 3.
Previous Chapter: Requirements & Recommendations
Next Chapter: Upgrading an Installation
$LastChangedDate: 2006-11-28 15:39:31 +0000 (Tue, 28 Nov 2006) $
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