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Test Questions

To manage the questions in a test, choose the test from the Test/Surveys Manager and then use the Questions button. Questions in the Question Bank can be added to your test by using the Add Questions link. Check the questions and/or categories of questions to be added to the test and use the Add to Test/Survey button. After confirming this action, the added questions will appear in the Question Manager. Beside each question is a box in which to enter a weight or mark for that question. If this is for a survey, leave the weight box empty. Note that Likert questions do not get marked and therefore do not require a weight. Reorder questions by changing the numbers in the Order column.

It is also possible to Edit or Remove questions by using the links beside each question. Editing a question will alter it in the Question Bank, and thus affect all tests and surveys using that question. Removing the question only removes it from the test and will not delete the question from the Question Bank.

Previous Chapter: Previewing Tests
Next Chapter: Test Submissions
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